Financial Services
In today’s rapidly changing world economy there is one product that has steady and constantly growing demand: money.
Problem: Despite the seemingly scarce money supply for capital investing, there is more than enough liquidity to satisfy any demand. However, to obtain bank credit for the project, even if it has great future potential, is next to impossible. The reason is the rate of risk, associated with economic volatility, which may lead to potential loss of invested funds. Absence of adequate guarantees is the main problem.
Solution: That is exactly where we come in. We are the only link you need between your financing needs and capital investors. We know how to help you, and we have all necessary tools to achieve real result.
We are acting on behalf of Federal or Regional governments of the Russian Federation who owe the projects. Our status is confirmed by the Letter of authority issued by appropriate government institutions for each individual project. This is the main difference between us and other participants of financial market. Our acting on behalf of the governments is important to potential investors, as it provides sufficient guarantees for their money.
How: We offer our services on “Venture capital” basis. We initiate market research aimed at locating serious and reputable financial institutions for investing into your projects. We carry out all necessary negotiations on implementation of the project, including business plans and feasibility studies as a frame work for the final agreement.
Our international network allows for fast and efficient locating the most suitable for your purpose capital investors. If necessary, we turn to assistance from the world-leading consulting companies.
Since 2003 we successfully provided services to various projects associated with the UN Development Program, the UN Peace-keeping operations, Consulate General of the Russian Federation and Consulate of CIS countries on Federal and Regional levels.
How much: Minimum level of financing is US$ 100 million. Detailed terms and conditions are available upon request.